Thursday, September 03, 2020

Quarantine day 175

  • Even as flu season begins and schools fill up with students, people are becoming lax. Publix, Florida's number one grocery, removed their floor signage so we no longer have to travel the aisle in one direction. Where I shop--not my regular Publix--they've even taken away the signs at the cash register reminding us to social distance. Apparently, Publix knows more than Dr. Anthony Fauci.
  • And what's with wearing masks half-mast? Every time I see noses blatantly uncovered, it brings to mind the meme of a guy's penis hanging out over the top of his underwear. If the world weren't crazy, I'd print that on cards and pass them out to those people who must think sneezes must come from the mouth.
  • I attended a romance writers' conference Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last week online. It was originally scheduled to be in San Francisco, and while I hadn't yet decided whether to attend, I took advantage of the lower fee and spent every day from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm sitting on my butt learning from the experts. Where in person I would've chosen one class each hour, online I got to attend all of them. Most were taped prior, and those that were live were recorded so we could view later. It was awesome! Some things about COVID I would lobby to keep.
  • I began an exercise routine, watching a You Tube woman who softly has me doing fitness for women over 50. I'm doing her 14-day challenge which includes walking for 30 sec and exercises for another 30 sec. So far, I've gotten over 5,000 steps a day, which is huge for me! I roll out of bed, put on my bathing suit, exercise with Schellea, and then walk right into my pool where I've discovered I can stretch much more easily than on the floor.
  • My MIL and I get together once a week to go over her memoirs. She'll be 90 this month, so you can imagine the mounds of information and memories we're writing. We maintain social distance while I push her buttons to squeeze more out of her than what she's written. It's been fun learning her life. I'm enjoying that. 
  • I highly recommend the new Apple TV. It's what Tom asked for his birthday, and with that purchase came a year's free subscription to their shows, but the device is voice-activated, which makes for easy access through all of our streaming services. I can also use it to listen to podcasts--my entertainment while cleaning-- without running down the battery on my phone.
  • Elliot is about 90% back to his normal self. I think the six months of a full house was too much overload for him. Either that or his ailments have improved. Whichever it is, it has relieved my anxiety. 
Cheers to another week in the confines of my home!

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