Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Quarantine day 220

Since Darcy and Oleg returned to school, I've made a few changes in my life. I mainly keep to a wake-up schedule, avoid sitting on the couch before noon and eat breakfast with my coffee instead of after my first cup. Monday through Friday, I rise before eight, around the time Madison and Tom are leaving for the day, so I'm not disrupting their routine, and Tom doesn't annoy me with his cheerful morning disposition. 

For the past month and a half, I've thrown on exercise clothes and worked out with my newest obsession Fabulous 50s, but recently, I talked my girlfriend into taking walks on the mornings after her nightshift job, and so, I drive to her house first thing, and we walk her neighborhood. Then I return home and eat breakfast with my coffee. It's been not only liberating for me to see the outside world more than once or twice a week, but it keeps me on task--

--except when one of us cancels on the other. 

Today, it was me. I had a knee injury from something I did over the weekend, so I canceled and promptly went back to sleep. There went my schedule.

Because when I got up and ready for the day, it was 9:30, and I threw everything out the window and resorted to bad habits. I sat outside on the front porch and sipped my coffee while I edited a few chapters of book #2 until my grumbling stomach reminded me I hadn't eaten breakfast, and I wandered inside. What to eat, what to eat?

Luckily for me, I chose shredded wheat instead of my standard hard-boiled egg because...

...right there on the front of the box was a disclaimer that a bowl of those mini wheats would keep me full and content until lunchtime. 

A quick glance at the clock...

...told me it was a strong possibility that was true.

Yep, day 220 of COVID quarantine, and I'm searching for not only humor but for anything that will make a blog post!

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