Friday, February 05, 2021

Guest Blogger - My day out of quarantine

From my friend Jim as told to me:

"I tried to tell everyone this is what would happen--something just like this pandemic. It's overpopulation. More people bring more problems, and now we see the results. 

I can't take it--this being inside my house all the time. But I also can't afford to do what I used to do, like eating at restaurants or traveling. I'm in my 70's. I've only had the first shot of the vaccine. I don't want to take a chance.

But I've got to get out of my house. We walk the beach every morning, and once a week or so, my girlfriend and I like to take the dog and go somewhere where we can be outdoors. She had Wednesday off from work, so we packed up the dog and went to a park north of us. It's a great park. It's a natural spring and used to be a spa in the late 1960s. Now, it has great hiking trails, mangroves, and an observation tower where you can look out over the Gulf of Mexico. 

We parked my car and had just started walking when I decided it was too cold. I went back to the car, got my jacket, and we had a great day enjoying the park. It's a great park. But then we got back to the car, and I didn't have my keys. They were lying in the backseat of my locked car. 

I never do that. I always put my keys in my pocket when I exit, but I guess I laid them on the backseat when I grabbed my jacket. We were one of two cars left in the parking lot, and I thought how I needed to think of something quick because the park was going to close. I didn't need the gate to lock and my car to be stuck.

So, I went over to the lady standing by the other car. It was a red sports car, and I started the conversation by telling her the car sure was nice. I asked where she lived, and she lived in my town! I offered her $30 to drive us home to get my keys and return to get my car. Our masks were in the car, but she was in the medical field and agreed to wear her mask while she drove us home. 

They are good people in this world. With everything going on, I can't believe she agreed to take us. I could've been anybody--a rapist, a murderer--I'm not, but still. She was a very nice lady.

We got home, and I hurried my girlfriend because time was ticking, and we needed to get back to the park before it closed. It's a long drive. We got her car and started off. That's when I noticed she needed gas. That cost me another $30. Now, I'm $60 down just for some time away from my house!

Of course, by the time we made it back to the park, it was closed. The gate was closed with my car inside. I got out and noticed a sign. It told me to inch forward toward the gate, and it would automatically open. I couldn't believe it! I've never heard of such a thing! But I did what it said, and sure enough, the gate opened. I got my car, and we drove back home.

My girlfriend was too tired to cook. I mean, it had been a crazy, long day, but I'm on a budget, and I didn't want to spend more money. But, she was right. I was tired too. So, we ordered a pizza, and I went to pick it up. I don't park where everyone else does. I park around the building and walk in to get my pizza." 

Me: "Let me guess. You locked your keys in the car again!"

Him: "No. Listen! Let me tell the story."

"So, I parked the car, thinking about what a crazy day it'd been. My girlfriend kept telling me it would all work out alright, but I couldn't get over it. I never do things like lock my keys in the car. So, I'm thinking about the day, and I open my door and step out to get the pizza, and right there, in front of me, on the ground, is a hundred dollar bill!"

Me: "You're lying!"

"No, kid, I'm not! It was folded up in a square, but there it was! I feel bad for the person who dropped it. I mean, it could be someone who really needs that money, but what was I going to do? I wasn't going to give it to the pizza employees! Isn't that the damnedest story?"

Me: "That's a great story. You ended up $40 ahead--well, minus the gas to the park and your pizza. That's incredible! See, you worry too much. Everything worked out. That's a story I can put on my blog!"

Him: "Yes! Sure, put it on your blog. Just don't tell people what pizza place it is because some reader might call you and claim it was his $100, and after my crazy day, I'm not giving it up."

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