Monday, March 01, 2021

Resolution 2021 two month check-in

Every two months, I check in to see how I'm doing on my New Year's resolutions. I give myself a score between 1-10 with the hopes that I'm perfect by the end of the year. 

Let's check-in (2 months):

  •  To be like 2020 Rebel Wilson and make this year a focus on health - Okay, no specific settings for this, and I'm not where I thought I'd be in this category at this time, but I've started walking twice a day, three miles a day, Monday thru Friday. That's a start, right? Score: 4

  • To eat breakfast before I drink my morning coffee - Yes! I have done this faithfully every damn morning! Score: 10

  • To think of three positive, happy, uplifting things for every negative thought that runs into my head - Yes! The great thing is that since I began doing this, my negative thoughts are less frequent too.  Score: 10

  • To edit book one and complete book two in all phases and attempt to publish. - Okay, this is a big one with multiple tiers. I am editing book two. My cousin Maya helped with several chapters, and I am part of an RWA program where I have a published mentor helping me. I work daily. No kidding. I've created my author Twitter and Facebook page, which counts too in my attempt to publish because an author has to have a social media presence. Nothing, however, has happened with book 1. Jeez, I can't do it all in the first two months! Score: 5

  • To continue down the path of completing past resolutions - Okay, not so much with this one, although I have edited my blog a few times these months. I'm 1-1 on the birthday gifts for January and February - sorry, Susan. Score: 1

  • To learn Russian - Yes! Score: 10

Total Score40 out of 50 - I think this is the highest I've ever scored this early on! Whoot! Whoot! I'm pretty damn proud of that! Maybe for once, I've given myself realistic goals. Or, perhaps the pandemic and being quarantined has made me more determined? Who cares? Go, me!

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