Saturday, April 17, 2021

Second Vaccine - check

I got my second shot yesterday. It's a great feeling! My arm did not hurt like it did on the first one, and I worried that maybe the pharmacist hadn't even put anything into me. Then I worried something was wrong with me. And then I grew concerned that I'd have a reaction. Yep, typical Cara Worry-Wart.

My arm started hurting about four hours later. I was relieved. It's a good pain.

I did not have a reaction. Tom did. He felt exhausted and chilled. He went right to bed and was fine in the morning. I had heard other people's stories, but I decided since Darcy was fine with her second dose, I would be too. Until I wasn't.

But I was fine.

Here's hoping we get longer than six months out of it!

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