Friday, July 02, 2021

Six month resolution check

Every two months, I check in to see how I'm doing on my New Year's resolutions. I give myself a score between 1-10 with the hopes that I'm perfect by the end of the year. 

Let's check-in (6 months):

  •  To be like 2020 Rebel Wilson and make this year a focus on health - I've continued walking, but I can't say I've been good with the eating. Some days, I'm great. Others, not so much. Score: 5

  • To eat breakfast before I drink my morning coffee - I have conquered this resolution. Score: 10

  • To think of three positive, happy, uplifting things for every negative thought that runs into my head - And this one, which I have to say has been great for mental health. Score: 10

  • To edit book one and complete book two in all phases and attempt to publish. - Book one is currently being worked on and book two is complete! Score: 8

  • To continue down the path of completing past resolutions - Too busy with writing to work on this one. Score: 0

  • To learn Russian - I was doing great with this, and then summer hit, Oleg left, and I haven't studied the language at all. Score: 0

Total Score33 out of 50 - Guess I'm going to be buckling down these next two months!

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