Friday, August 20, 2021

Slowly coming back

Book #2 is done. Well, done as in finished in this phase. Next comes beta reading. I need three or four people to read my book, offer suggestions, slash it to smithereens if need be, and help me tighten it. I think I'm leaning toward indie publishing as opposed to traditional. The more I learn--and believe me, I've taken so many courses and attended so many conferences in the past few months--the more I see the benefit. At least for me. 

I've been out of the workforce--aka working for someone else--for almost twenty years. I don't think I could go back. My mouth would get me into trouble. And working for some kid? Like the same age as the two girls who reside in my house while I cook their meals, wash their clothes, and clean their bathroom? Yeah, trust me--my mouth would get me in trouble.

So, as of now, I'm contemplating publishing my own books. This means I need three books written and edited before distributing the first one. There's a plan in the industry, and I'm determined to follow it if I want to be successful. So, since my RAMP debut, I've worked. I've written, and re-written, and re-written. I've attended conferences. I've taken online classes. I've edited. I've edited again. And again. I've navigated the author's world of social media. I've tweeted. I've Instagramed. Now, I'm moving onto the next stage of beta reading. 

And this is my excuse for WHY I HAVEN'T BLOGGED. 

Well, that and nothing exciting has been happening in my life. I mean, I get up. I walk in the god-forsaken Florida heat and humidity. I then get in my pool and exercise some more. Or sometimes I stretch. Or read on a raft. Then I have breakfast and coffee, work on my online farm, and then go into the office to work. Once a week I run errands.

My two-month-old car only has driven 600 miles and that includes an airport drop off/pick up and a move home the kid from college several cities over. My butt is in a chair in front of two computer monitors, a keyboard, and Jason Momoa. Ever. Single. Day. Including weekends.

I'm serious about this career.

So, for those who hop on here hoping for laughter or some eye-rolling or cute stories, I'm sorry I've been missing in action. I've added the big things in our lives just to keep track. This is, after all, a journal of our lives that someday I hope my girls will appreciate. My goal is to creep back into updating this site. If you check in periodically, rest assure I'm working to come back. If you've left me altogether, well, I get it. Want a beta read a romance book instead?

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