Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Back home again in Indiana - Summer vacation - leg one

Darcy's roommate and friend Sofie plays in a traveling basketball league. When Darcy discovered the team would be traveling to Chicago this summer, she suggested we combine that with a trip to my brother's house. We had some discussions, the stars aligned, and Darcy, Oleg, and I bought our tickets to Indiana.

We flew into northern Indiana on Saturday night. We hit our usual welcome-to-Indiana restaurant, talked long into the night, and retired to bed. The following morning we climbed into my SIL's car and drove the entire state to southern Indiana.

Darcy: "To get Evansville food!"

True. But we also went because Susan's niece was leaving a few days later for three years in Hawaii, and she wanted to spend some time with her. It was the quickest trip I've ever taken to my former hometown.

We arrived a bit after three o'clock and immediately went to mark number one off Darcy's list. We drove through G.D. Ritzy's drive-thru, ordered, and arrived at Susan's parents' house by four. I immediately called my favorite eating place and ordered a pizza. Then I took the car, got the pizza, and drove down my old street to stare at the horrors of what was once my beloved house. 

What's with everyone cutting down trees?

We spent two days and nights in Evansville. Susan stayed with her parents, and we stayed in a hotel. It was not the now tourist attraction hotel where the Alabama corrections officer and her prison escape murder suspect boyfriend stayed before getting caught in May. But it was down the road from there.

We caught up with Susan's family, visited with my high school friend and her husband, and ate our way through all of our favorites and then some.

We walked my alma mater's campus. We mourned we were too early for sweet corn when visiting Maize Farms. 

Then, on Tuesday, we picked up more donuts and headed north, stopping to introduce Oleg to the family farm and my cousin Darrell. I took many pictures, hoping for inspiration for the romance novels I've set in Indiana.

We arrived back in South Bend in time for dinner! Of course, we did. 

As you can see by my face, I was not only tired of food but just plain exhausted! Good thing, I have a chance to recoup.

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