Saturday, December 31, 2022

Good-bye 2022

Last check-in on the resolutions. This one is yay or nay. Did I or didn't I keep these resolutions?

  • To finish several projects I've started and haven't completed, including staying on Tom until we have completed our will -  Nay

  • To establish a daily business routine with hours and keep to it -  Yay

  • Begin a healthy eating/workout regimen - Pretty much still doing okay on this one. Eh, So/So

  • Create my author's website and increase my author's social media presence -. Nay/Yay

  • Have a monthly dinner calendar, so I'm not struggling to know what to cook at night - YAY!!

  • To finish my mess, that is book one. Finish book three. Edit both. Learn the self-publishing industry - Why did I cram so much into one resolution? Nay/Nay/Nay/Yay

  • Eat weekly meals at a table and not in front of the TV - So/So

  • Go on several girl trips - YAY!!

  • Purchase birthday cards and prepare for sending out at the beginning of the month - I'll admit that I have given up on this one. Nay

  • Get back to blogging on my personal site. - Nay

Total : 5 Yays, 6 Nays, and 3 so/sos

I'll take it. Could be worse. Could be better. Next year, I'll try to tone it down so I don't have several in one resolution.

Happy New Year, peeps!

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