Sunday, April 09, 2023

PA comes to FL

PA Steph and her daughter Maggie, the most recent to be under the care of Nanny Cara, traveled to Orlando with friends for spring break. Before they left, Frontier Airlines credited Steph, and when she called to inquire why, they informed her that they'd canceled the flight home.


So, they headed our way for four nights. We hit the beach to watch the sunset the first night.

I suggested we watch the sunrise the following day, and liking the idea, we rose at 6:30, got coffee and pastries from the local French bakery, and trooped down to get comfortable on the beach.

Then, we realized that the sun rises opposite of where it sets, which is behind the condominiums on our beach here on the west coast.

Tech Guy: "I thought it strange when you suggested it." 

My brother: "Do you not know how the sun works?"

Maggie: "You mean we could've slept in!!"

Steph and I had a good laugh. Then we enjoyed the morning peace, ate food, had our coffee, and left the beach at ten when everyone else arrived. We spent the rest of the day poolside while Maggie taught us how to make friendship bracelets. It became an obsession.

While we worked, we kept track of the Masters since Steph and her son are golfers. The weather kept interrupting the tournament, causing starts and stops, so we kept abreast of what was happening. During this, we had golfer discussions, and Steph kept pronouncing the word amateur as Am-a-der. 

It struck me odd, but as kids from IN, we always thought those PA people spoke weirdly. We pronounced it pin-cil. They said pen-cil.

But it drove Maggie crazy, and she finally erupted. She asked why her mother was saying it incorrectly. They argued. Steph told her to check the web, and we listened as the robot told us am-a-cher. 

Steph felt we needed a golfing expert, so I called my brother, who was driving home from his family vacation. He had plenty of time to discuss this topic.

Him: "I would say it depends on the part of the country you're from. For example, you just said torn-a-ment. I'm a hick from Indiana. We pronounce it turn-a-ment. But, if you're going with the golfing world, it's most often pronounced am-a-der. As in the U.S. Am-a-der."

Steph jumped out of her chair and danced around the pool deck!

That word, along with the friendship bracelets, became the theme for the weekend.

So much so that my new Etsy shop, where I will sell these bracelets, will now be called Am-a-der Hippies.

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