Friday, May 12, 2023

Neighbors now and then

I rarely get on my personal Facebook anymore. It's way too angry. And very political and doesn't align with how I think or feel. I check in briefly every few weeks or so on my author's Facebook, although my author's social media presence is more on Instagram. I do, however, use Messenger. That connects to Facebook and is open on my computer for author-related work.

Recently, I got a message from my personal Facebook from an old neighbor. She and her husband were traveling and had family in the area where she thought I lived. She asked if I'd be interested in meeting with them. I said I would.

We haven't seen each other in over thirty years. 

Mary lived down the street from us, right by our bus stop. We were both on the city swim team together. We were friends. I remember riding our bikes and playing at each other's houses. The last time I'd heard about her was from her parents after my father died. Her mother gave me her information. I put it in my back pocket and then laundered the pants. 

Luckily, Facebook hooked us back up. 

She and her husband spent the day with me. They took me to dinner. It was like we hadn't been apart. We caught up on each other's lives and laughed. Oh, my, how we LAUGHED. It was as if time hadn't marched on. It was so much fun!

Here's to keeping in touch! If you've been wondering about meeting up with someone you share a history with, big or small, and you haven't kept in touch, do it. You'll find that history binds you and in a way that makes all the other stuff disappear. And the laughter! That alone is worth it!


  1. Very cool you got to see someone from Pine Creek again

  2. That is really cool that you got to see Mary from the Pine Creek neighborhood
