Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Weird medical stuff

For two weeks, my right eye has bothered me when reading. It's as if something is blocking part of my vision, sometimes blurring it. I let it go, thinking it would resolve itself, but then I discovered something odd on the right side of my mouth under my upper gum. I immediately went down the traumatic rabbit hole of all the horrible things it could be, and then I called my dentist and eye doctor. 

The dentist saw me immediately. He wasn't overly concerned, but he suggested I see an endodontist and made an appointment that day. I hung around Starbucks, worrying until it was time, and had the cone beam computed tomography (CBCT image), where the scanner rotated around my head, obtaining distinct images. I've had this once before when I needed a root canal, and I loved that endodontist. But he retired, so I waited for the new guy to appear to tell me one of the many things I feared. 

Endo Guy: "The images are perfect. I'm not concerned."

I liked him. He believes it is a bone, an exostosis, and it's common. Truthfully, it may have always been there. How can I be expected to remember stuff at my age? I told him I was worried because it was on the same side as my weird eye issue. He said sinus stuff can cause weird things, but this wasn't that.

Endo Guy: "You're cured."

I could also see a periodontist, but I've decided not to worry about this anymore. 

I wanted to see the ophthalmologist who did my cataract surgery, but the appointment lady didn't even consider him, instead giving me a newbie optometrist because mine, whom I'd seen recently, was on vacation. Great.

She was not helpful, although they did retinal imaging to rule out a detached retina. She gave me another thorough eye exam, told me to purchase an eye wash, use warm compresses and eye drops, and she'd see me in four weeks. She also took out her hair clip, flipped her head upside down, gathered her hair into a ponytail, and rewound it to attach it with the clip she held in her teeth. All while talking to me.

I tried to make that next appointment with my regular eye guy, but he had another vacation scheduled. Jeez.

I did everything she told me to do, and by the time I went back, it was more blurry than blocking, and I could get rid of it by looking to the left before it would reappear. And it wasn't a steady thing like it had been. She gave me some doctor speak about it being an aging thing with the fluid in the back of my eye and took another retinal image. 

In essence, live with it. 

As I do with all my other ailments. 

That is good enough for now. I've decided not to worry. 

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