Thursday, September 14, 2023

The yucks are at my house

For the past few weeks, I've lived among the unhealthy. First, Madison went down with a sinus infection that required meds. Then, Tom followed. Maddy had a week of relief and then contracted strep throat. Tom kept coughing. Somewhere in there, Oleg returned from a NY business trip with a virus he passed onto Darcy.

Somehow, I am holding strong.

My brother would say it's because they all WORK. I won't dispute that. I'd add, out of the house, because I WORK--just from home. It's a lot safer, I'm discovering.

So, while these two sniffle, cough, and go through my Sam's Club blocks of Kleenex, I moved into the guest room to sleep. And I'm getting the best sleep of my life!

Not only am I away from snoring and sleep apnea, but I don't hear the dog or worry about him peeing on my carpet. The room is like a cave with its personal a/c unit I can set the way I want and its black-out blinds. No wonder Darcy was such a good sleeper. 

I might have to rethink this whole get the family healthy kick I've got going on with my chicken noodle soups and disinfecting. 

I'm definitely glad Tom and I have a three-bedroom unit on our upcoming vacation. If we make it there!

Tom: "We're going. We paid too much not to."

I'm wearing a mask when these two are home. I really want to go to Vermont!

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