Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Toilet paper hack

My refrigerator smells.

It's not a rotting food smell, but more like a chemical odor, and apparently, my nose is the only one that detects it. The hubby thinks I’m nuts. Madison, not wanting to say that I’m crazy, can “sort of smell something off.”

It first started with the ice. I thought something was wrong with the new water bottle I’d purchased for the gym. The water tasted icky. I kept pouring it out and starting new, and it finally took Darcy using the ice in her water bottle to diagnosis the problem. From there, it went into the smell and now it’s seeping into dairy items.

Google warned me of a Freon leak. That set off the hubby, who treated me to a gas, solid, liquid lecture that rivaled any college science course. Of course, all I heard was science and you’re wrong. Good thing there will not be a test.

I removed everything from the refrigerator and cleaned it from top to bottom. Then, I put a carton of baking soda in it, and because I’d heard this hack on a radio show a month ago, a roll of toilet paper. It supposedly absorbs excess moisture, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. That is not my problem, hello, CHEMICAL scent, but I'm desperate.

The question is, how long do you think it will take before Tom or Maddy notices?

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