Friday, January 07, 2005

Always Thinking Down the Road

I've decided to wear make-up. I rarely do because as soon as I put the goop on my face, it immediately begins itching, and I want to lie down and rub my face into the carpet. I only wear make-up on certain occasions.

Today while doing my morning swishing and swiping, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I was old. Gray hairs peeked from atop my head, my eyes were puffy with bags beneath them, and my face was blotchy and spotty. And the first thing I thought, well, the first thing I thought was, "who the hell is that?" and the second thing I thought was, "I should put on some make-up." 

Then I stepped back from the mirror and said, "Huh?" And I thought of how my face would itch and how I would have to go through the whole make-up removal process, and when I realized I wasn't going anywhere of importance, I just said the hell with it and decided to avoid mirrors.

Later while posting pictures on this site, I found a few photos of myself with make-up on my face. I didn't look so darn bad. Even with the extra 15 pounds bagged onto my body, I didn't look so terrible. My hair also looked good. My jeans sort of made me a bit slimmer.

That is when I realized that when I put on make-up, I do feel different — my self-image changes. My face with make-up caked on it doesn't scare me quite as much in the mirror. I tend to stand a bit taller and to feel more confident. Of course, the cosmetic industry has been telling me this for years, but I was young and tan then. Now that tanning has left my face scarred and wrinkly.

I'm not sure that this revelation will cause me to make this a daily habit, but I think that I will experiment with it. I will make myself up on some days and see how I feel, and then I'll compare that feeling to how I'm feeling on the days that I don't wear make-up. Who knows, maybe this will turn out to be a great science project for one of my daughters down the road!

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