Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Horrors of Dieting

I am dieting. I'm on day three.

Today, while at the gym struggling on the elliptical trainer, I was reading a book, and in it, the main character entered her office to find a box of six cream-filled donuts sprinkled with colored sugar. Can I tell you how much my mouth watered?

I SAW those damn donuts in my head. I TASTED those damn donuts in my mouth. I saw the colored sugar and the vanilla cream oozing out one end when she bit into it. None of it described in the book. I just witnessed it right there in the gym.

Then the author did go into a description of the main character picking off some of the donut's colored sugar and putting it on her tongue! Jeez. The picture I had of that! I know that description is a necessity in books, but please, that line had me salivating.

Why is it that every time I go on a diet, I run into food? It's everywhere. On television, commercials show sizzling steaks, roasted potatoes, juicy hamburgers, and tasty desserts. Talk shows have cooking segments where sautéed chicken in a sweet roasted pepper sauce with herb-crusted red potatoes is cooked and tasted. Billboards urge us to visit restaurants and entice with pictures of massive shakes, fajitas, and brownies. Now, I'm reading about food in my mystery book?

When I'm dieting, these images are more intensified. It is endless. I'm doomed unless I cut out television, reading, and leaving the house, but even then, the past is in my head.

The character in my book only ate one donut. Somewhere there are still five left...

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