Monday, January 17, 2005

Children Shouldn't Play with Tweezers

In my stocking for Christmas, I received a pair of tweezers. They were needed. Santa had been watching through the year when I would traipse next door to borrow tweezers from my neighbor to pull out splinters in my children's hand. I do have tweezers, but they are rusted and thus not something I felt I could use on my children's delicate hands.

The new pair of tweezers are the best. They are coated so they won't rust, and they have a slant tip to make extracting hair easier.

I used them to pluck my eyebrows. First of all, let me say I know nothing about plucking eyebrows. I've never plucked my eyebrows until someone referred to my bushy eyebrows. Plucking to me meant standing in the bathroom before a mirror randomly pulling hairs I thought needed pulling. The results of this were sad brows.

Next, I tried reading magazines on the art of plucking. I watched make-up experts pluck models' eyebrows and attempted to imitate them. It didn't work.

Finally, I read an article that said you should leave your brows alone. The less one messed with brows, the better. I took that advice to heart. I haven't plucked my eyebrows in years until I got the tweezers for Christmas.

I have no idea what possessed me to pick up those tweezers, but when I did my brows began twitching, my eyes went to my mirror image, and I suddenly felt that they needed some plucking.

I started on my right eye. I attempted to channel Carmindy from TLC's What Not To Wear and her advice on brow plucking. I plucked and plucked, and when I stepped back to survey my work, I realized while the ends weren't bad, I hadn't done as well in the middle.

Now, my right brow has a hole in the middle. I debated doing the same thing to my left eyebrow to match and decided instead; I'd tell people I'd been in a fire because no way could I get the same hole on the other brow. I wanted to cry. This incident is the reason why I need an expert to dress me each day.

Lucky for me that I had a friend whose mother really did lose her eyebrows in a fire hazard. They never grew back, and so each morning, she draws on eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. Unlucky for me, I don't own an eyebrow pencil. I did discover, however, that a dab of mascara in the brow covers up the hole until it can grow back.

In the meantime, I have retired the tweezers for splinter use only, and I've decided that on my next trip to the big upscale mall in Tampa, perhaps I will get some help on eyebrow plucking.

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