Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My Top Super Bowl Commercials

I spent the entire weekend watching football. Along with that, came watching commercials. Here is the list of ads that made me gig gig (that's a family hand me down meaning laugh):

  • The advertisement for Citi credit cards where the man is dressing. He puts on an outfit, and then his wife brings him another outfit. He keeps putting on outfit over outfit until finally, he looks like the good year blimp, and his wife helps him into his coat and tells him to have a safe trip. I thought it was a commercial about how bad it is to check your luggage, but alas, it is for a credit card where you can earn points to help you get luggage (or whatever else you chose to spend your points on).
  • In this commercial, a woman drives into her packed garage. It is so full of extra junk and so disorganized that she can not even get out of her car, so she climbs out of the trunk. The funny thing is that she acts like this is just the usual way all people park in their garages. I think it is for a storage company.
  • This ad started with a woman and a kid pulling up alongside a scruffy man and his motorcycle. The lady asks, "Out of gas?" and when he answers in the affirmative, she screams, "Yes," and jumps out of the van to put down the seats in the back to make room for his motorcycle. Once they're all in the car, the woman turns to her kid and says, "Daddy just had to get a motorcycle, didn't he?" I loved it turned out to be Daddy because I was a little worried when she pulled over.
  • The American Express commercial where a woman waits for the elevator and when it opens, Ellen DeGeneres is dancing inside to music on her headphones. The lady gets on, rolls her eyes, and the door closes. When it opens again, both Ellen and the lady are boogying down! You go, girls!
  • The last one was another Citi commercial. This one had a man in sweats at the gym. Standing on the scale, it reads 249. He gets off, rolls his neck, stretches, puts on his headphones, and runs around the gym equipment in a small circle. He ends up back at the scale where he takes off his headphones and weighs himself again. Still 249. The voiceover says, "Want instant rewards?" I am dieting and exercising, and I felt that man's pain!

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