Friday, January 14, 2005

Making a List is half the Battle

I have decided that I must find something to do with myself during the day besides organizing and cleaning my house. I have a project, but I think I need something weekly. Some of the other SAHMs and I have come up with several ideas:

  • Movie Day
  • Game/Card Day
  • Scrapbooking
  • Explore Tampa Day
  • Take a cooking class
  • Learn another language

At the time, the list sounded good. Typing it out, I'm bored already. It's not that I'm not busy in between that time when the kiddos leave for school and return from school. I am. Most of the time. But there is also time for other things, and I need other things for my mental health.

I'll think about it while I'm cleaning out closets.

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