Saturday, March 07, 2009

We might have missed the boat somewhere.....

We traveled to Tallahassee with four children in our car. The car belonged to my friend Jyoti. She and her daughter, Sarina, and Darcy and I were in the car, along with two other children, Alina and Maggie, whose parents were not able to attend. Jyoti and I found it interesting in watching the four interact. Clearly, our two were far removed from the other two as noticed in some of the following exchanges:

Our orders at McDonald's
: Sarina - pancakes, Darcy - cinnamon roll and hashbrown, Maggie and Alina - yogurt cup with fruit.

Overheard at the Tallahassee Museum

Maggie: "It is a parasite." 

Alina: "Well, what is a parasite?"

Maggie: "A parasite is an organism that lives on another organism and gets its nutrients from feasting on that other organism." 

Alina: "Imagine if a parasite was as big as a cat or dog---" 

Sarina: "Do you want to go to the gift shop?" 

Darcy: "Yes." 

Sarina: "What do you want to get?" 

Darcy: "Candy!"

Overhead in the car

Darcy: "Alina, do you like Miley Cyrus?" 

Alina: "Actually, I like (names singer)." 

Sarina: "Who's that?" 

Alina: "She is a musician who plays the violin and the mandolin. Her music is quite interesting to listen to."

Jyoti and I were very impressed with the fact that these two girls traveled without family on an overnight trip where they were shuttled from a car with the two of us to a hotel room with two different adults. We are thinking that this summer our two should spend some quality time in the homes of these two girls.

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