Wednesday, February 09, 2011

If college doesn't work out, perhaps the circus?

For Christmas Madison and her girl buddies exchange gifts.  This year the girls asked each other what one wanted for a gift and as usual Madison replied that she didn't know.  And she is honest about that.  She doesn't know because she has everything she wants and "doesn't really need anything".  That just made each girl ask her over and over and over again.  Finally Madison told her friend Lily she wanted her to get her a cotton candy machine.  Madison was joking of course.  Lily, believing her, told her mother who immediately got online and began searching for a cotton candy machine.  At some point the whole story was told to me.

I told the mother "absolutely not", and ignoring my wishes, she found one online and Madison received a cotton candy machine for Christmas from Lily.  The machine was quite compact and could also make sugar free cotton candy.  It came with sugar and also with hard candies that could be woven into a nice ball of cotton candy.  I put the machine away and hoped the girls would forget about it.  Then I planned revenge on the other mother.

A boring weekend finally rolled around.  Homework was done.  Rooms were straightened.  The girls had nothing to do.  Please, please, please could they make cotton candy?  I chickened out and told them to ask their father and there had to be NO MESS.  Father said yes if they did it outside in the garage.  Before I knew it cotton candy was cookin!

The machine

The girls used hard candies to make this batch

The candy went into the middle of the heating element, machine was turned on, and within a few seconds strands of cotton candy began forming along the sides of the machine.

The final product was a tart lemonade flavor that puckered the lips.  Everyone agreed that the batch made from sugar was the best.

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