Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Out of the mouths of my babes

This morning while taking my eldest to school, the song Sister Christian came on the radio. I immediately yelled out, "Sister Christian, Knight Ranger".  Used to my silliness, she didn't respond, but I felt the need to elaborate.  I explained that back in my younger days when MTV was just starting out my brother and I would go to my neighbor's house and watch MTV.  We would turn the channel and wait until the video had started and the song title was gone from the screen and then we would flip back to MTV.  First person to yell out the artist and title of the song got a point.  The five of us played that game every chance we got, and for some reason the two songs that remind me of those times are Sister Christian by Knight Ranger and Oh, Sherry by Steve Perry.  Every time they come on the radio I tend to shout out the title and artist.

Madison listened to my story and smiled.  I asked her if she paid attention when I told stories of my childhood and did she remember any ones I had told her?  She said of course she paid attention.  She said she remembered my stories of playing games outside, of painting the fire hydrant in the yard, and stories of school.

Later, while taking Darcy to the orthodontist to get her bottom braces, I told her the same story.  It led into this conversation:

Me:  "And so those two songs remind me of that game."

Darcy:  "Oh."

Me:  "Another thing we did was turn down the sound on the TV and each of us would make up what the characters were saying."  I sneak a glance at my daughter who is smiling that mom-is-nuts smile.  "Listen, kid, that was the type of fun we made up when we were kids.  We didn't have all those video games and electronics.  We made up our own fun!"

Darcy:  "Uh huh."

Me:  "Do you hate when I tell stories about when I was a kid?  Do you even listen?"

Darcy:  "Yes."

Me:  "Ok, then what do you remember that I've told you about my childhood?"

Darcy:  "I remember how Uncle Rusty use to push you down on your bed and yell, "Sit down!", how you stole candy and a pen from the grocery store, how you got into trouble..."

Me:  "Wait.  Are the only stories you remember ones in which I was naughty or got into trouble?"

Darcy:  "Pretty much."

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