Saturday, April 30, 2011

Out of the mouths of my babes

My Auntie Marilyn bought my mother an iPad.  She wanted her to have a laptop because my mother is in a wheelchair and getting to and from her computer is a pain.  My husband didn't think she would use a laptop and so he didn't jump on the stick and buy her one.  So Auntie Marilyn took matters into her own hands.  The iPad arrived at the beginning of the week, but since Connie is clueless about apple electronics, Madison had to be the teacher.

Madison:  "Next we are going to learn how to use Facetime."
Connie:  "What is that?"
Madison:  "Facetime is where you call someone and can see them while you talk to them.  Let's try Mom's number."
Connie:  "Oh, yeah, let's try her.  She is just sitting over there on the couch playing on her laptop."
Me: (answering phone):  "Hello!"
Connie:  "Hi there."
Me:  "I've never done this.  This is so cool."
Connie:  "Okay, I'm done with her, how do I hang up?"
Madison:  "Like this."

They hang up and move on to Faceboook.  I give them five minutes and call back.

Connie:  "What is that?"
Madison:  "Cara is calling you on your Facetime."
Connie:  "Cara? Why are you doing that?  I'm trying to learn something else right now.  Why would you do that while we are working?"
Me:  "Because what is going to happen when someone like Marilyn calls you?  You're going to hear that noise, but you won't know what it is or what to do. I'm prepping you."
Connie:  "I will be annoyed because I won't know what to do."
Me:  "Exactly!  Which is why I'm calling you so that you can learn as if this were a real life situation.  It's called practice."
Connie:  "Well, excuse me!"
Madison:  "Ladies!  Ladies!  Let's calm down and stop snipping at each other.  Maybe we can find a counseling app for both of you."

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