Sunday, May 01, 2011

4 month resolution check

It is time to check in on how well I'm doing on my New Year's Resolutions.  I score from 1-10 with 10 being the perfect score.  My goal this year is to actually make all of these things happen.  To achieve that perfect score (at least once)!
  1. To not text while driving -I am shining on this one...that is as long as I don't count working in my bakery as texting.  I have worked hard at this resolution to set an example for my daughter who will be driving in two years.  I didn't text at all the month of March and only had to text twice in April because it was important.  And it was to answer something important with a yes or no or something quick like that.  Score: 8
  2. To get some form of exercise daily (10 minutes at least) whether it is walking the dog or performing jumping jacks. - Uh, sucked at this one for the past two months.  Started heading back to the gym the past two weeks, but only got there twice a week.  Sigh.  Score: 2
  3. To finish my slide project and to get important photos on CD's to have for...prosperity? - So rocked this one!  Finished all the slides that I can find so I'm counting that as a perfect score. Shall start on my photos next month.   Score: 10
  4. To continue to work on toning down the potty mouth. - I think I've done better, but this one is really a hard one. Score:  3
TOTAL:  23 out of 40  Hey, it's better than half!

1 comment:

  1. Uh. I don't think working in the bakery on your phone can be taken out of the equation. It is not technically texting, but it takes up a bunch of time and most of your concentration. You need to stop that while driving.
