Friday, May 06, 2011

Here we go once more

For the past two weeks I've noticed some odd noises coming from the toilet in the girls' bathroom.  I mentioned this to the husband.  His reply?

Tom:  "You always think something is wrong."  Rolls over and goes to sleep.

About a week ago the toilet began stopping up.  We told the husband.  His reply?

Tom:  "The kids use too much toilet paper."  Rolls over and goes to sleep.

About three days ago the toilet began stopping up three times a day.  We had the husband plunge it.  His reply?

Tom:  "Stop using the toilet!  This is getting ridiculous.  If you don't know how to use a toilet then just stop using it."

Last night while in the shower rinsing off I heard gurgling noises from my toilet in my bathroom.  The same noises I have heard in the past here.  I immediately climbed out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body, exited the bathroom and informed husband.  His reply?

Tom:  "Toilets make noises.  That's what they do."  Rolls over and goes to sleep.

So I got ready for bed, brushed my teeth, locked up the house, got the kids in bed, and headed to my room.  Husband was in the other bathroom with the door closed.  When I inquired what he was doing in there?  His reply?

Tom:  "Unclogging this toilet so that I can go to the bathroom."

I went into the master bath and waited.  Soon came the flush and up from my shower came the sludge.  Out of the other bathroom came muttering, gurgling, more muttering, and more gurgling.  Husband came into the bedroom and informed me we had a problem.  My reply?

I didn't have one.  I was in bed pretending I had already fallen asleep. 

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