9:40 PM - Sunday evening
Gabby: Hi!!!
Me: Hi
Gabby: U got a Skype, i see.. What are you doing? Hello?
Me: I'm watching TV and I have had skype, but never used it
Gabby: Ahhh...I see...Is Darcy there at the house??
Me: Darcy is being held by Kelly at Chilis for ransom, but I can't afford to pay it
Gabby: ?the truth?
Me: Even at 50% off (we couldn't pay) so Kelly said we could have her back
Gabby: Hahaha..No seriously. :)
Me: I'm serious.
Gabby: Uh huh. Sureee
Me: She is with Kelly at Chilis
Gabby: Oh. Is that her payment for cleaning Kelly's house?
Me: She sent us a picture and the ransom note. I guess.
Gabby: Haha..That Kelly! :D
Me: Yep, she is hilarious!
Gabby: Haha. No wonder why you make such good friends. You are both alike :)
Me: Ha ha
Gabby: So, would you happen to know a time when Darcy gets back?
Me: No since we couldn't pay the ransom we don't know when she will be back, but I'll tell her u r looking for her.
Gabby: Ok. Thank you. Just out of curiosity, how much WAS the ransom?
Me: One million dollar$!!
Gabby: Yikes!....I might have a little money...to put in...I would like my cousin back...Hmmm
Me: Thanks but Toms says we just can't swing it even with your help.
Gabby: Hmmm..
Me: Then Kelly said she was willing to go 50% off
Gabby: Sooo?
Me: Tom said no. And then Kelly sent a picture of Darcy. I'll show you. Maybe. I don't know how to do that.
Gabby: Oh. What was Darcy doing in the picture? Are you on your Ipad???
Me: Yes
Gabby: Then you can just push the share button on the top and choose file. Then u can choose your pics then push send.
Me: Hmmmmm
Gabby: Here, I will do it.
Gabby has sent file "cuteeeeee.jpg"
Gabby: See..? Now you have 2 accept the file
Me: How?
Gabby: Uhhh, it should say under the loading bar
Me: Hmmmmm...Maddy says it won't work
Gabby: Oh.
Me: I have to do it on my computer.
Gabby: Awe...poo
Me: I'll text the picture
Gabby: kk but my phone is dead but go ahead anyway
Me: Ok, I sent it
Gabby Ya! I will check my phone. I will plug it in!!! SO SERIOUSLY...U don't know when YOUR daughter is going 2 be home?
Me: Nope
Gabby: WOW! What kind of a mother ARE you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Me: The kind that shares my cute daughter with a good friend.
Gabby: Ah. AS my friends hear, but can not seem to say, Tushaay
Me: Touche
Gabby: cool. 8-l Well, please notify your daughter that I would like for her 2 get on Skype whenevr she returns home...
Me: Ok will do
Gabby: Good-bye Mrs. Boos
Me: Back at ya
Gabby: Uh...
Me: Miss Mason
Gabby: O...k...Byee
Me: Bye
Gabby: (wave)
Too cute and I LOVe your new console, very nice:)