Friday, September 16, 2011

10 things this week

1. I taught my neighbor how to write a compare and contrast paper for his English class at the local college. Is it me or are teachers just not teaching nowadays? Darcy's English teacher gives out 20 vocabulary words each week and they have a test each Thursday. She never goes over the words - not-once-the-entire-week. Huh?

2. We purchased plane tickets for Pittsburgh to see the Steelers play live and in person. Unfortunately Madison will be left behind with Kelly. It was just too much to try to return on Sunday and she can't miss any school. Apparently the teachers teach at her school.

3. I am fighting a cold. Right now it is just an annoying nose drainage thing, but I can feel it slowly trying to creep in deeper. I'm warding it off with plenty of naps. I also bought orange juice. I might have to try liquor.

4. I haven't had a soda since Sunday.

5. My favorite blogger at gave birth to her twins this week and I feel like an excited Aunt. I keep wanting to tell everyone like we should all know her and send gifts. I feel like I do know her. Her blog writing is exceptional and her family simply adorable. Check her out!

6. Darcy's first football game, against a team that hasn't lost a game in four years, was awesome with her school winning and Darcy catching a pass for the first touchdown. She was like a mini Hines Ward stretching to pull that ball down into her grip and then zig zagging into the end zone. A proud moment for all of us.

7. My mother-in-law left for China this week. My girls helped her with some words and phrases since their middle school teaches Chinese. Back in my day we could have taught her all the curse words....those we learned ourselves.

8. I need a haircut. I'd like to just see how long I can go without one, but my hair lady does my brows as well and those just might take over my eyes.

9. We had two days of some breezy weather where I thought fall might just be knocking at the door, but summer kicked her butt and sent her up north. Sigh. I'll find her in Pittsburgh next month.

10. I want to know who thought it a good idea to change the recipe in the peanut butter Cap't Crunch? Now my mornings aren't as bright.

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