Sunday, October 16, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #35

Before she even got her boot off Nurse Kelly noticed blood coming from Connie's right leg.  "What's with the blood?" she asked.

"Oh, it's a hematoma," Connie said.  "It's fine.  I took care of it and bandaged it."

In came the Foot God, in a hurry because he had his own doctor appointment.  Nurse Kelly, who had removed Connie's bandage job, pointed out the leg to him and suggested he take a look.  He did and he didn't like what he saw.  It was deep and so he had Nurse Kelly measure it and now he is adding that wound to his care as well.

The foot?  It looked "better".

"We don't want that," he said, pointing to the leg wound, "to turn into that," and he pointed at the foot wound.  So she has added a wound instead of healing a wound.  Somehow we think that isn't what she is suppose to be doing.

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