Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday Morning Sports Recap

I'm starting this entry out differently this week because yesterday we lost a local resident, Indy Car driver Dan Wheldon who was killed in the Las Vegas Indy 300. I had just been reading about him in our paper because he was in the race sort of on a fluke. He was chosen to drive for a $5 million purse that he would have split with a fan had he won. The condition was that he had to start at the back of the field. The crash that killed him involved fifteen cars and started when two cars in front of Wheldon rubbed tires. Wheldon went airborne and his car flipped.

I'm so sorry for his family and for the community of racing. These guys are only human, doing what they love, and we tend to forget that what some of them do is really quite dangerous. I hate to loose anyone in sports. It is a sad morning.  All our best to the Wheldon family.


Me: "I just don't get it. Pittsburgh did so well the first half. They played like they played last week, but they just can't finish it out. It was like they came out the second half thinking, "We got this. It's boring. Too easy." And then they were like whatever. It's so frustrating. I mean, am I going to have to be at all the games to make sure they keep motivated?"

Madison: "Uh huh."

Me: "I guess I could go for the weekend to the home games."

Madison: "Sure, just fly in. Help them out."

Me: "I could fly in on Sunday and take a cab to the field. "Get me to Heinz Field STAT". Of course I couldn't spend the night at the field."

Madison: "You could fly back Sunday night."

Me: "Yeah, but that's hard and then its late."

Madison: "You could get a personal jet."

Me: "That's a great idea, Maddy. I could. Where would I get one of those?"

Madison: "I don't know. Ebay?"

  • Polamalu - I keep saying that he is so overdue for a pick, and I still believe it. He had a couple of chances this week, but he is so focused on getting the other guy to the ground. He left in the fourth quarter due to "concussion like" symptoms whatever that means, but again he had a good defensive game. At one point he tackled the opposition by flying around the defensive line for a two yard loss. If I were coaching the other team, I would have one guy whose job it was to just follow Troy around to make sure he doesn't cause any damage. (Note: Troy is fine and should play next week).
  • Mendenhall - Tomlin make reference to spreading the running game around among the three, Mendenhall, and last week's heroes, Dwyer and Redman, and Mendenhall must have been worried because he went out and ran like the devil was chasing him.  146 yards rushing kept him in the game over the other two, but after his 68 yard run I still think the Steelers should have Redman run into the end zone.
  • Run, Ben, run - He did get an important first down by running with the ball, but I'd like to see a bit more rushing from this guy when it is necessary.  But then again I listen to all the experts telling quarterbacks to stop rushing and stay in the damn pocket, so maybe I'm missing something.
  • Heinz Field - I watched the game on my computer this week and pointed out all the places that I had been in the week before.  I could hear the announcer say, "And that is another Steelers...." and I yelled, "First Down", pretending I was back in Pittsburgh.  Still have that glow from last week.

  1. Coaches Fight - Apparently the coach of the 49ers, Jim Harbough, started something with Detroits coach, Jim Schwartz, during the after game handshake. I've watched it several times. Harbough shook Schwartz's hand and then clapped him on the back.  Look at it from afar and the smack on the back looks harmless, but look at them close up and it seems like a dismissive push. Apparently Schwartz felt like it was, and instead of just sticking out his tongue and walking away, he went after Harbough screaming and bumping into Harbough. Either way it was childish.  Schwartz should have walked away, and Harbough shouldn't have been so smug about winning. Now everyone is asking whether the league will fine these two idiots. I understand that if the NFL expects the players to act a certain way, then they should expect the coaches too as well, but aren't we just looking for things to fine lately? Watch the tape again and you'll see all the players and people around the two babies laughing at them as if they can't really believe this has become something.  Fine them?  Come on. What they need is a good spanking.
  2. Eagles - And then we have the opposite end of the spectrum.  Eagles coach, Andy Reid, has taken heat all week long on the fact that his "dream team" has not done what everyone hoped they would do.  His players rallied around him, took the blame, and then went out and proved everyone wrong by beating the Redskins.
  3. Eye Black - I noticed on my HD TV while watching Brian Urlacher being interviewed that he was wearing eye black stickers under his eyes, and for a moment I felt that feeling I get when I've thought something for a long time and then get called on it for being wrong.  I've always  thought that the players painted that eye black under their eyes.  So I got curious and researched it and found I wasn't so stupid after all as it was once painted under the eyes.  Now, of course, there are stickers, although some players still use the grease combination of beeswax, paraffin, and carbon.
  4. Cowboys and Patriots - All the sportscasters on Fox NFL Pregame were talking about how the Cowboys were going to win this week. They agreed it would be a close game, but that Tony Romo would step up to the plate and show America how wrong they have been in regards to his quarterbacking skills.  Huh?  I'm telling you right now, if I were betting my life savings on a game that was coming down to the wire and could choose a quarterback, Tony Romo wouldn't make my list of choices, but Tom Brady would be in my top two choices.  It was a close game, but Romo got the Cowboys ahead with a field goal and more than a minute on the clock, and Tom Brady went ahead with a touchdown.
  5. Sean Payton - As Penn State's Joe Pa will tell ya it is dangerous on the sideline.  Payton got tangled up with his own player on the sideline and broke a bone and tore a ligament.  He ended up coaching from the locker room while being tended to, but his team lost to division rivals Tampa Bay.
  6. Aaron Rogers - Have you seen his commercial for State Farm?  Could he look more uncomfortable?  Something about this guy just seems odd, but I can't put my finger on it.  And I felt this way before he demolished my Steelers in the Super Bowl.  But it is a cute commercial.
  7. Brandon Marshall - The Miami Dolphin receiver did some mouthing off this week about he was going to "get kicked out in the second quarter" on Monday Night Football.  That sound bite made the rounds with everyone speculating and wondering if Goodell would be keeping an eye on him, but seriously?  These guys get mikes shoved into their faces and are asked stupid questions and in the heat of the moment they mouth off.  Apparently he got called into the office for some scolding, but he laughed it off and told everyone he was joking.  Whatever.  The way to show people?  Kick ass on Monday Night Football Marshall.
  8. St. Louis Cardinals & Texas Rangers -  Let the World Series begin.

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