Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Out of the mouths of my babes

Darcy:  "There is something wrong with the ice maker.  It is frozen or something."

Me:  "Yes, that has happened before.  You have to remove the container and get rid of the ice underneath."

Darcy: (attempts to remove container) "Ah, never mind.  We'll just let Dad fix it."

Me:  "What?  No!  We can handle this without your Dad."

Darcy:  "Why?  Leave it for Dad."

Me:  "Because women can do anything that men can do.  Women do not need men to take care of things for them.  You are letting down many generations of strong women.  What kind of example are you setting for the younger women?"

Darcy:  "Uh, I'm just saying why waste our precious time defrosting this thing?  Let Dad do it, and we can spend our time enjoying something else!"

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