Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Connie Foot Photo #42 & #43

Last week's visit was routine.  Off came the bandage.  In came the Foot God.  Foot God muttered it looked good.  Plan made to remove staples next week.  Home health care to begin again.  Bandage back on.

This week Connie didn't make it to the appointment, but instead ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration.  The wound nurse appeared to change the bandage and discovered the graft had fallen off.  The staples are still in place, with one in the wound itself.  The wound looked very pink and healthy, but the graft to the side concerned me, as did the staple.  The wound nurse didn't care as her instructions from the Foot God were to not touch anything.  She bandaged it up again right over the top of the falling graft and staples.  Jeez!

Connie's hospital physician put in a call for the Foot God to visit her in the hospital to set up a plan of action, and he arrived late last evening to take out the staples and fix everything up.  He dressed it nicely and will see her on Monday.  In the meantime she has taken a fall on the way to the bathroom, and been quite loopy with the combo of dehydration, stress on the kidneys, and the higher steroid dosage.

1 comment:

  1. Hope Connie feels better quickly. Keep your sanity and hang in there. Doesn't sound like anything is easy around there right now. Good luck! Thoughts and prayers are with you all:)
