Thursday, December 01, 2011

Sharon in pictures

I met Sharon when I first moved to Florida and started working for the city recreation department.  She was eighteen, carefree, and so much fun.  She made me laugh from the first moment I met her, and she still makes me laugh today.  Darcy spent a couple of hours with her and said, "Aunt Sharon is the most happiest, go-lucky, carefree person!"  She may have issues in her life, but she also knows that life is about living, and laughter certainly helps.

 "Hold on!  I forgot to shave before we came to the beach."

 "Just a minute, I'm almost done."

 "Sunscreen is very important on the beach."

"Watch your eyes!"

"Ben! Sunscreen is important!"

"This water is not cold"

 "Let me catch that bird..."

"These boys are precious like their mother!"
"I don't care if you don't want a picture...I do!"

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