Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chug, chug, chug

One of the new things I'm working on this year is my intake of water.  Since my mother's recent hospitalization due to dehydration I've been conscious of my own drinking of water.  When I was exercising years ago I drank plenty of water, but since my illness and my caring for my mother I haven't gotten to the gym and thus my water intake has fallen.

Yahoo had a lead story regarding water intake and the benefits of it recently on their lead page, and I was happy to see that the five reasons were mostly the same reasons why I'm trying hard to suck down the inexpensive liquid.

  1. De-stress - Okay, I'll admit that I didn't have a clue this would help by drinking water, but if there is anyone with stress it is moi.  It says that some signs of stress are pounding heartbeat (check), headaches (check), tense muscles (check), low energy (check) and fuzzy thoughts (uh, CHECK).  Drinking 8 ounces of water is suppose to be a starting point, but more people depending on body types and daily activity may need less or may need more.
  2. Weight loss - Main reason I am trying to slurp this stuff down, although I haven't seen any indication of weight loss.  I'm thinking sugar may be counteracting my water?
  3. Helps ward off sickness - Not one of my reasons, but hey, every little thing helps, right?
  4. Body comfort - I will say that I do feel better when drinking water over any other beverage.  I love water.  I always have.  My father was a huge water drinker so we too learned to reach for the faucet instead of anything else when thirsty.  I think moving to Florida with its nasty tap water ruined me in that department, but I do feel less bloated and my body temperature is more regulated when consuming water.
  5. Regulates blood pressure - Okay, maybe the second biggest reason for my drinking it.  Dehydration raises the pressure and being that I'm on medication for high bp is a main reason for water intake.  So far I've been able to lower my meds and keep a steady pressure that is fairly on the money so I'm continuing with the water.

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