Saturday, January 28, 2012

My creative juices are starting to flow

While searching for the missing library book, which is still missing BECAUSE WE ALREADY RETURNED IT TO THE LIBRARY THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I went through the many books on my various bookcases and came away with several books I found interesting.  I put them in a pile to eventually get around to after my library books were finished.  Wednesday I ran out of library books, WHICH I RETURNED AND PAID THE FINE FOR, so on Thursday I picked up one of the books in the pile to read.  It was a teen book called Ransom by Lois Duncan.

While pumping away on the stationary bike at the gym I read Ransom.  It is a story about five high school kids who are kidnapped while riding the bus home from school.  All of the kids live in a ritzy neighborhood for various reasons and therefore are considered wealthy by the three kidnappers.  The first half of the story focuses on the kids and their background stories, and I was hooked.  I couldn't put the book down.  Then I finished the second half of the book which focused somewhat on the parents of these kids and the kids attempt to escape.  I was left at the end of the book going, "Huh?"  While the book wrapped up the kidnapping story there were huge holes left unanswered.  It was like the author really didn't have a clue beyond the initial set up about where to go with the story.  Instead she veered off on one character's personality that was so dead of emotion that I worried for this boy's future.  Yet the book ended without me knowing any of that.  The story ends abruptly without any closure and I was disappointed. 

So now I've decided I need to rewrite the book.  Books are rewritten for movies.  Why can't I rewrite a book, bring it into today's world (the book was written in 1966), and give it the ending it deserves? The idea and the characters are so great that I feel they got cheated.  I always rewrite movies in my head to make them better why not a book?  In my writing classes in college we had to rewrite some of the classic fairy tales so that they were told in the point of view of another character.  Of course, I'll have to do this incognito since I probably need to get the author's permission if I say wanted to sell it.  Is a blog quiet enough?

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