Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday's 10 random tidbits

  1. Not much blogging going on as I'm involved in helping put together my younger daughter's school musical.  Years ago I took over the talent show at the school and now I get roped in to helping with the plays and musicals.  I secretly love it.  I was born for drama.
  2. The drama director is a young kid who has acting credits on iCarly.  He is talented, but hasn't learned to delegate.  
  3. Connie's birthday was yesterday.  Kelly and the kids and I went up with cake and dinner.  We forgot her presents.  Well, Kelly had hers, but we forgot ours.  Sigh.
  4. Why does everyone have graduating kids this year that costs me money?
  5. I'm trying to work out logistics for my summer Indiana travels.  It isn't easy when everyone is spread out all over the state.
  6. I got beautiful flowers for Mother's Day that make me happy every time I look at them.  They are purple.  And what's not happy about purple?
  7. I need a new camera.
  8. The end of school is nearing.  Darcy gets out a week and a half before Madison.  She reminds Madison of that fact daily.
  9. The last two weeks of school always fly by and everything is just a haze as it does.  Why do they cram so much into the end?
  10. The weather here is already miserably hot and we are already complaining.  Now it's time for the people up north to laugh at us.

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