Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 1 - travel from Florida to Indiana - Journal writings

12:35 PM - Cara's journal writings:

We are on the plane. For awhile there I wasn't sure we would make it. We arrived at the airport and hour and a half early to find a HUGE line to check-in. No kiosk check-in. Only two agents and two flights booked to leave 20 minutes of each other; Knoxville and South Bend. Now I will be honest and say that the last time I flew this airline I was on the flight that left first and I got to jump the line. This time, however, I was in the other line as Knoxville left first and so all the hundreds of people behind us got to jump in front of us. Which meant we had to stand, and stand, and stand, and suddenly I was transported back to that time at Universal Studios waiting in a line to be let in to watch a cast of teeny boppers sing. At least it wasn't raining.

Madison, Darcy and I are a row ahead and to the right of Kelly. We are behind the exits. The stewardess just had a talk with those seated in front of us about what to do in an emergency, which included removing the door and "chucking it on the wing of the plane". Or at least that's what I heard. She said she would need a verbal "yes" from all of them to know they were good with helping out. They all stared at her with blank stares so I piped up and said, "Maybe you should be asking the rest of us if we think they look like they could do the job." That got everyone to turn around and stare at me. I told them I was kidding. Jeez.

I did get a laugh as I made my way down the aisle upon entering the plane. I looked around at all of the faces staring ahead and said, "Knoxville! Anyone for Knoxville?" which was what we had just heard for the last hour. One guy started laughing. I told him I'd be here for the whole flight.

Darcy's journal writings:

I sit here in an aircraft writing to make my mom happy. Usually I write on my own, but this vacation is about family (and no electronics). I'm in the airplane now and my ears are popping and I'm quite hungry. Luckily the air people are coming around with drinks and food. My wonderful mom is buying me some M&M's and a drink. I sit here patiently waiting as my mom pays the lady.

Now that I have my delightful drink and food I feel a little better. I can't wait until we finally land because nothing excites me more than a 3 hour drive in a rental car...with no electronics. Kelly really wants us to play cards on the road, but I'm questioning her intent at "family fun". My mom has to drive so technically it's not a "complete family" activity. Maddy and I seem to be on the same page as a whole car ride with nothing to do will be endless, but by all means when were not stuck in a car electronics are COMPLETELY allowed.

The plane just started to lean forward and now I have to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the seatbelt sign is still on. I question if the seatbelt sign will ever come off or will I have to wear yellow shorts instead of white ones!

Madison's writings:

It is cold on the plane.

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