Sunday, July 22, 2012

Indiana update 2

The travel journal has been written in at various times and will be shared soon. In the meantime I now have Wifi access and shall try to get back to daily blogging. Maybe I'll be savoy enough to add photos!

Being in charge of the rental car and the driving has given me some confidence. I've never rented a car before and I found it so stress-free. I never worried about car trouble and just enjoyed all the driving through Indiana that we did. If it weren't so expensive I rent cars all the time!

I've always traveled with either a parent or husband in charge so I was apprehensive about this trip before I left. I told myself it was a great opportunity, and I did find that I could relax. Having Kelly as my partner in crime has been wonderful. She is adventurous, adapts well to any situation, jumps in to help with the girls, and is a great car secretary; texting for me, keeping me hydrated, and navigating. I also think knowing my way around Indiana and most of the places we visited was a help in everything too.

We are now on the last leg of our journey. We have eaten our way through Indiana on our way here so we think perhaps we will add in some exercise on this leg. The rental car has been returned and driving duties now fall to my SIS Susan. She has many things in store for all of us so stay tuned!

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