Saturday, July 21, 2012

Email funny

Thanks to my two neighbors who don't pay attention to the list of forwarded names and who both send me the same emails daily!

How Children perceive their grandparents.

  1. My grandson called the other day to wish me a happy birthday, and when I told him I was 62 years old he was quiet for a moment.  Then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
  2. After putting her grandchildren to bed, the grandmother changed into a ratty old robe, washed and curled her hair and covered it with a plastic shower cap, and then rubbed a white mask on to her face.  Hearing her grandchildren getting more rambunctious in the bedroom, her patience grew thin and she stormed into their room and gave them stern warnings.  As she left the room she heard the three year old ask in a trembling voice, "Who was THAT?"
  3. A grandmother was telling her granddaughter about her own childhood.  "We use to skate outside on our pond in the winter."  "I had a swing made from a tire that hung from our apple tree in the front yard.  "We rode our pony into the woods and picked wild raspberries."  The little girl was wide-eyed, taking it all in, and at last sighed and said, "I sure wish I had gotten to know you sooner!"
  4. His granddaughter was diligently pounding away on his computer when he asked her what she was doing.  She told him she was writing a story.  Her grandfather asked her what the story was about and she shrugged.  "I don't know.  I can't read yet."
  5. A grandmother was quizzing her granddaughter on colors.  She would point to an object in the room and ask what color it was.  The granddaughter responded correctly each time, and the grandmother was having fun.  She pointed at her red sofa and asked what color it was.  The granddaughter looked at her, headed for the door, and said, "Grandma, I think you should try and figure out some of these colors on your own."
  6. A grandfather and his grandson were entering their vacation cabin.  The grandfather told him not to turn on the lights so as to keep the pesky insects from coming in.  They loaded everything inside, but still a few fireflies entered behind them.  The grandson whispered, "It's no use Grandpa.  The mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights."
  7. My grandson asked me how old I was and I teasingly told him I wasn't sure.  "Look in your underwear, Grandpa," he advised me.  "Mine says I'm 4 to 6."
  8. A six year old was asked where his grandma lived.  "Oh, she lives at the airport," he said.  "When we want her we just go and get her and when we are done with her we take her back to the airport."

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