Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grown up TV

Kelly and I, after a tiring day of moving things from her old apartment to her new apartment, were eating leftover Thanksgiving dinner and watching Frosty the Snowman.  When Kelly and I are alone watching TV we tend to make comments about whatever it is that we are watching.  Done in the late 60's Frosty the Snowman provided quite a few comments.  At one point little Karen, who did not have on any pants, but was wearing a coat in the snowy weather, was helping the boys build a snowman.

Boy:  "We're building a snowman, Karen.  You do the head."

Karen:  "The head is the most difficult part.  Ask anyone."

Me:  "Kelly, what is the most difficult part of building a snowman?"

Kelly:  "The penis."

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