Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Out of the mouths of my babes

Kelly:  "Well, I have to decide if I'm going on the mission trip to Peru.  We have to make a decision by December 3rd.  So if I'm going I have to tell them by then."

Me:  "How much is it going to cost?"

Kelly:  "$1300 dollars."

Me:  "Oh, well, I think that's probably doable."

Kelly:  "It isn't the money I'm worried about.  It's whether I can do the trip physically."

Me:  "What?  You'll be fine.  You're a fine specimen of a woman physically."

Kelly:  "No, really.  Seaver's lips turned blue the first day when he went."

Me:  "His lips turned blue?  That's weird."

Kelly:  "And he has youth on his side.  What if my lips turn blue and stay that way?"

Darcy:  "Just get a matching blue shirt."

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