Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday picks & more - Week 10

Last Week - 11 - 3
Overall - 81 - 51

Indianapolis over Jacksonville - The Colts are winning on emotion and the back of their rookie quarterback Andrew Luck. The Jags won't put a stop to that.

Giants over Bengals - Last week was also an emotional one for the Giants and they didn't respond as well as they would have liked. They'll make up for that this week.

Miami over Tennessee - Okay, this week I'm picking the Dolphins and not the Titans. Tennessee's quarterback Jake Locke is back but he wasn't so hot before his injury so I'm going with Miami.

Minnesota over Detroit - I keep believing in the Vikings, but maybe this is one where I'm going wildcard.

New England over Buffalo - Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is warmed up now at mid season so I don't foresee them having any trouble against the 3-5 Bills.

Atlanta over New Orleans - I don't know about this one. The Falcons are still undefeated and someone will beat them. New Orleans is at home with their general manager and assistant coach back. Something tells me that beating the number one right now would do wonders for this team,but I bowed to pressure and went with Matt Ryan.

Tampa Bay over San Diego - Oh, Tampa don't steer me wrong. If the Bucs of the first three quarters of last weeks game show up this week the Chargers, who have plenty of their own problems, will have a tough time holding with them.

Denver over Carolina - Cam Newton, meet Peyton Manning. He can and will show you how to play in this league.

Baltimore over Oakland - The Ravens play the Steelers next so I don't want them coming back from a loss, not that I think the Raiders have any chance against them.

Seattle over New York Jets - Seattle is kicking butt lately.  The Jets are one week and then faltering the next week.  Plus I like Seattle's uniforms over the Jets' boring green ones.

Philadelphia over Dallas - Both of these teams are in trouble.  Both of these coaches' jobs are on the line.  I just think that Michael Vick is better than Tony Romo and the Eagles are playing at home and have meaner fans.

San Francisco over St. Louis - This is an easy week for San Francisco as they roll right over the Rams.

Houston over Chicago -  I thought about going with the Bears in this game, but the Texans are the better team.  Da Bears had a great game last week especially defense wise, but I think the Texans have the better overall team.

Pittsburgh over Kansas City - The Steelers have done well the last three games, but we tend to be too nonchalant when it comes underachieving teams.  I don't look at this game as a gimme at all.  The Steelers will have to work at it again this week and be careful to not let the Chiefs put one over on them.  Never underestimate...

New York Giants - They donated $500,000 to the relief effort for states hit by Hurricane Sandy. That's how you step up. That's giving back.

Shaved Heads - Some of the players for the Indianapolis Colts shaved their heads in a show of solidarity for their head coach Chuck Pagano who lost his hair due to treatments for leukemia. Rookie Andrew Luck, kicker Adam Vinatieri, and punter Pat McAfee were just some of the guys who agreed to be shorn. Also takes sucking up to the coach to a whole new level.

Saints return - New Orleans Saints general manager Mickey Loomis returned to his position this week after an eight game bounty suspension and was quickly unavailable for comment. Media experts predict his first order of business will be securing coach Sean Payton's contract which was voided by the league following his own bounty suspension of a year. I'm thinking he probably was more worried about debugging his office from those pesky NFL spies.

Doug Martin - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers phenom was named the NFC offensive player of the week for his 251 yards rushing in Sunday's game against the Oakland Raiders and made the television circuit rounds. Shouldn't the Bucs be keeping him under wraps a little more? Shhhh. Talk about Ahmad Black's citation for marijuana instead so maybe the opposing teams won't notice Martin.

NHL talks - What? They aren't playing hockey right now? Who knew?

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