Saturday, January 05, 2013

Playoff picks and more - week #1

The playoffs start this afternoon and I'm ready.  I have my teams to root for and I've gone back and forth on these picks.  I think these games can go in any direction and we should see some great football this weekend.

Houston over Cincinnati - One of the games I was sure about and then second guessed up to the time I had to make my decision.  Cincinnati is just so up or down depending on who shows up to play.  This is a repeat of last season's game and Houston dominated.  That means Cincinnati should be up for the win with quarterback Andy Dalton returning home to his native Texas.  But the Texans are the media's "will they or won't they" team and they have a lot to prove.  I think in the end the Texans will prevail.

Green Bay over Minnesota - As much as I'd like to see the Vikings take this game, I just don't believe they can beat the Packers on sacred Lambeau Field, not after that game last week.  The Packers will be out for blood and Aaron Rogers will be totally in charge.  Look for the Packers to do a better job of shutting down Adrian Peterson this week.  Unfortunately, for the Vikings they don't have much else to go to when that happens.  If Christian Ponder can stay cool and pretend he is as good as Aaron Rogers, this could turn out to be another great game.

Baltimore over Indianapolis - I didn't have any love for Indy back in the old days, but then they acquired our homeboy Tony Dungy, and they always had Peyton Manning.  Who doesn't love Peyton Manning?  Turns out quite a few people, but I wasn't one of those.  When Dungy left and then Manning was turned out I was prepared to throw Indy back into the piles of "who cares about those teams".  Well, turns out I did.  Despite my preparing to dislike newbie Andrew Luck, I did like him.  I got caught up in the coach-beating-cancer thing like the whole football world did and pulled for the team to continue churning out those wins. 

Now they play against my arch rival and I will be yelling loudly for them.  Unfortunately, I'm not feeling a win for them.  Not against Baltimore.  Not against a team that now has more of a reason to want to win.  Seventeen year veteran Ray Lewis, in true Lewis fashion, announced a few days ago to the team and the world that this year would be his last.  He ripped his triceps in October and sat out until the playoffs.  Turns out he enjoyed that time off watching his sons play football, and he plans to do that now for the time being.  Smart of Lewis to use this to boast his teams hunger.  The Ravens will want to put a trophy in Lewis' hands just because he is the heart and soul of this team.  It will be their Jerome Bettis moment if they pull it off.  I'm not sure they can go that far, but I'm pretty sure they can take down the Colts.  Andrew Luck will have to play his heart out today against a stellar defense, and the Colts defense will have to play their heart out against Joe Flacco who is trying hard to earn some respect in this league.  I sure hope the little rookie and the team that could will win.

Seattle over Washington - This is my other back and forth game.  Now I'm wishing I had taken the Redskins, but my picks are turned in.  It's two rookies against one another.  Russell Wilson vs. RGIII.  My pick for Rookie of the Year goes to Russell Wilson as I've stated and a win here would make believers of others.  Seattle is a team that is scrappy, is sneaking in under the radar, and has a great defense.  Washington has a good quarterback.  While I'm pulling for the 'Skins, I think Seattle wants it more.

Notre Dame vs. Alabama - Is anyone besides a Fighting Irish fan picking Notre Dame to upset the reigning champs?  I've watched them several times this year and I wouldn't count them out quite yet.  Doesn't mean I'm picking them either, but I'll pull for them.

Peyton scores another award - Manning took home his sixth Offensive Player of the Month Award, his second this year.  Won't mean a thing to him if he doesn't also have a ring to go along with it.

Ray Lewis retiring - Smart move to announce it now.  I like hearing that he wants to see his kids play.  Supposedly has an ESPN job lined up.  Great defender, but not one of my favorite people.  He did a lot for the city of Baltimore and he certainly knew how to fire up his team, but his legal battles turned me off of him...that and he played for the Ravens.

Coaches shuffle - Two more coaches were fired on Black Friday; Ken Whisenhunt of the Arizona Cardinals and Norv Turner of the San Diego Chargers.  Now comes the recycling and musical chairs and teams trade off.  Old Eagles coach, Andy Reid, against my advice, did not take the year off like I suggested, but instead signed a five year contract with the Kansas City Chiefs.  Not a smart move in my opinion, but he is a man in a man's league and heaven's no he doesn't need time off to take care of personal issues. 

Many offensive coordinators are looking good to several different teams; Pittsburgh's offensive coordinator Todd Haley, who didn't do much this year for the Steelers, old Pittsburgh offensive coordinator now with the Colts, Bruce Arians, and Denver Bronco's offensive coordinator Mike McCoy.  While many Steelers fans, and perhaps Big Ben, won't be sorry to see Haley take another job, I wonder what is up with the Cardinals who are pursuing him.  First they took Ken Whisenhunt and now they want Haley?  Are they wishing they were the Steelers?  Bruce Arians proved himself in the head coaching job this year while taking over the team this year while current coach Chuck Pagano fought cancer, but I'm not sure Arians wants to be in front or to leave the Colts.  As for McCoy?  We are thinking this guy is the one who turned around the Broncos?  Uh, hello, that reason is a man named Peyton Manning.

Also being interviewed is Oregon's Chip Kelly, who if he is smart, will take a look at the record of great college coaches who moved into the NFL, hello Nick Saban and Steve Spurrier, and kindly decline any offer.  Coaching these big egos in the NFL isn't the same as coaching at the college level.  Why give up a good thing with the Ducks?

Lance Armstrong weighing admitting drug use - Jeez, here we go again.  Is competing again really that important?  If I were him, I would have just shut the hell up.  Hearsay, hearsay, hearsay from guys that didn't win seven Tours.  No blood proof.  His own denials.  Someone shut this guy up already!

Tennis - Starts in a few weeks and already the favorites are looking to be Serena Williams and Andy Murray.

Basketball - Didn't that use to be important in my life?

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