Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4 month 2013 resolution check

It is time once again to check in on how well I'm doing with the resolutions.  I score myself from 1 - 10 and tally up the scores, aiming for a perfect 50 points.  I've yet to ever get that 50, but I keep thinking that I will and that is what is important.
  1. To get down to a certain weight (which will not be mentioned here for all to see) by eating healthy and exercising - Hmmm...this is a tough one.  The diet went out the window during all of the mother health scares, but the weight kept shredding and I didn't gain.  I didn't exercise during this period.  What to do, what to do in the scoring department.  I don't feel it can be perfect, but since I did continue loosing I suppose I'll keep it somewhat high.  Score:7
  2. To organize my schedule, my desk, my home, and finish the scanning/organizing of photos.  That means getting rid of stuff and boxing up and storing other stuff. -This one I've worked harder at then the last check-in.  My iphone keeps me organized via scheduling and I did work on organizing and scanning photos because Darcy needed her life done for a school project.  My desk is fairly clean and I've been "flying" in the bathrooms.  Score: 7
  3. To work on my patience and try to not be so uptight.  To channel my inner Sharons, two people who I think handle life calmly -Still feel I'm doing well with this one, although with the stress I might have lost a point.  Score: 6
  4. To get into couponing to save money - The digital coupons at my local grocery is SO nice.  Now if I can only get them to offer more coupons that benefit me!  I have to confess that I cut out a $10 savings on $50 of groceries and then left it at home when I went to shop.  I'm still kicking myself for that one.   Score:  5
  5. To contribute more articles to Yahoo and Google and try to earn some cash - Nope.  Haven't written daily.  Haven't finished my online classes.  Have sucked at this one. Score:0
Total:  25 out of 50 points - I will have to stop using my mother and stress as an excuse.  My mother's life is such that I've got to learn to juggle our two lives.  Hopefully with the help of caregivers in her home this will free me up to continue on my resolution path to a perfect score!

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