Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The new yard

I told the sad, sordid tale of our homeowner's association coming down on us about our yard
a couple of months ago.  Last month amidst all of the hospitalizations and children's illnesses we got started on replacing it.  We went with the company who replaced my neighbor across the street's lawn.  He offered to do the new sod and the landscaping, but we only shelled out for one and since we had too much crab grass taking over the yard we agreed the sod would benefit us more.

First up was soaking the lawn with a killer spray.  It sat for several days while we watched our yard wither away into a brown mess of deadness.  The lawn guy arrived after the death and spent some time hoeing and shoveling until the deadness was bagged and gone from our yard and only the earth remained behind.

The next day the sod arrived.  In bulk.  With only one guy to do the work.  I was on my way to the hospital to visit my mother, but I felt the need to commiserate with the lone lawn worker.  I told him about my one experience in laying grass on a golf course.  I'm not sure that my story of coming home with grass in my nose translated well.

We left him to it.  He assured me the boss was coming to help him lay it.  I don't know if that happened, but when I returned my lawn looked great.

The landscaping is slowly coming along via the husband.  He was on a roll until he broke his finger and sprained his wrist playing softball, a sport I have never known him to play since we have been together some 20+ years and one he played while I was away in New York.  The cast on his left hand has hindered his landscaping somewhat, but I'll post pictures soon.

All in all, I am thrilled with the way my house and yard look.  Now I'm on to remodeling the kids/guest bathroom inside the house.

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