Monday, August 19, 2013

First day of school 2013

We all got up on time today.  First my alarm went off and then Tom's alarm three seconds later. I went into Madison's room to find she was already awake.  Unusual.  I kissed her and moved into Darcy's room where her alarm was going off and she was sleeping.  I kissed her.  Then I kissed her again and again.  My baby was starting high school this morning.

I remember my first day of high school somewhat.  I remember feeling fashionable in my new clothes, but uncomfortable and overdressed after wearing a bathing suit for three months.  I was driven to my first day of school, most likely by my dad, and I think that my friends were with me.  I just remember climbing out of the car and staring up at the big school in front of me, wondering if I would get lost in more ways then one.  I wanted to hold my friends' hands so that we wouldn't get separated.  I suppose I knew that day that change was on the horizon. 

As a parent I am witnessing that change already.  Darcy's tight nit group from middle school met last week at a birthday party.  They had all grown in the two months, looking more and more like adults.  They didn't interact with the adults as much, preferring instead to looking bored and singing Happy Birthday in monotone.  Gone is the youthful exuberance that birthdays and friendship use to bring.  In its place now is make-up and fashion from the girls and coolness from the boys.  It made me sad.

Darcy feels the change, but unlike me she is willing to move forward.  She will make new friends and try new things.  She is excited for a new beginning.  She spent the last two days packing and unpacking her backpack and trying on different outfits.  She doesn't have to wear a uniform this year and can actually buy her lunch!  Oh, the excitement.

I feel that excitement for them both, along with the sadness that comes when that hold starts to loosen a little more from my grasp.  Change is a coming and there isn't anything I can do to stop it or slow it down.  The new school year has started.  The new parenthood year has started.  We are all going to be learning.

Fist day of school 2013 (taken indoors)

First day of school 2013 (taken outdoors)
First day of school 2013 (with some photo editing to lighten it up)


  1. I so feel for you. Tyler has his driving permit and is starting to drive and Nicole is wearing make-up. Actually she only wears mascara but all the other girls are wearing a ton of make-up. Good Luck and I hope you all have a great school year!!!

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

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