Thursday, August 08, 2013

On the road trip home

Darcy: "Where are we? Like what city?"

Me: "The city of brotherly love."

Darcy: "Huh?"

Me: "No, we aren't there, but who can tell me where the city of brotherly love is?"

Robin: "Philadelphia?"

Me: "Correct. One point to Robin. Now Darcy two points if you can tell me what state Philadelphia is in."

Darcy: "Canada!"

Me: "Oh, jeez. Ok...Madison? Three points to you."

Madison: "Uh, New York?"

Me: "OMG! These are my two international baccalaureate kids."

(Discussion then took place on where the city of brotherly love was located. Darcy claimed at this point she was joking about Canada which she claimed she knew was a country.)

Madison: "Well really, Pittsburgh is the most important city. It just takes over the whole state of Pennsylvania and that's all we need to know. All the other cities are just minor."

Robin: "Well Madison, you just pacified your mother there and ended that conversation."

1 comment:

  1. It's sad to say that my daughter struggles with places too! So much for expensive private schools! I bet if asked they would know exactly where their next iPhone cases were coming from!! lol
