Thursday, August 01, 2013

Pictures from leg three of IN travels

Tom had less then a day in South Bend.  He spent Friday night playing ping pong in the basement with the girls.  Saturday he left all of us and went to his beloved Notre Dame (don't ask) where he wandered and came back with a souvenir.  He flew back to Florida on Saturday night.  He never saw my brother or Austin because the two of them drove to Evansville on Friday because Rusty had some business down there.  Rusty did not go through the national forest.

Ollie, Gabby's dog, is my favorite because he is a lap dog that loves attention.  I'm thinking I could sneak him back to Florida, but I know he would miss his family and they him.  The weather was actually chilly the first two days we were here so we enjoyed walking little jackets.

My nephew Austin who is more like his father then he should be.  He works for my brother at the golf course and this is the outfit my brother chose this summer for his staff.  Unfortunately, the color did not come through on the picture.  The green in the shorts and the shirt is a neon green.  I was sitting on the couch when my nephew rounded the corner in this outfit and I had to put on my sunglasses.  Austin was proud of his shoe addition and white belt.  I'm concerned my brother has lost it.

Austin is spending a lot of his free time with the girls.  He joins us for meals.  He has planned to join us on adventures, but the weather has not cooperated in that.  We had the 60 degree weather days with overcast skies and then two days of rain.

He took the girls to play putt putt one day...

While Susan and I went off on our own and had fun.  We wanted cocktails so we headed out to bug Rusty at the club.  We forgot the club was closed and that Rusty had a men's golf outing.  The bar was open and a nice bartender made us Mai Tais, but as we sat drinking on the bar stools the men started coming into the bar as they finished their rounds and I told Susan we looked like two old tarts trying to pick up guys.  We finished our drinks and went shopping instead.

The great thing about facebook is reconnecting with old friends and family.  This friend, Cindy, lives about ten minutes from Rusty and Susan so we met up with her and her husband and had breakfast and then good conversation at their house.  It had been twenty four years since we had seen each other!  See why this new social networking and cell phone age is great?

As always when we travel to Indiana, we eat out.  We decided that while in South Bend we would only eat at restaurants we hadn't been to before.  That was hard when it came to Gabby and Susan, but they did find a few that they hadn't been to before.  We are ranking the best and will post that info later.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! We miss you guys and hope we are able to get down there soon! lol
