Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2013 10 month resolution check

And speaking of resolutions... I suppose I should check in on what this years resolutions even were as I'm sure I have not followed them in quite some time. 

  1. To get down to a certain weight (which will not be mentioned here for all to see) by eating healthy and exercising - Oh, my, this is one that I really wish I had paid closer attention to and worked at.  I really, truly want to do this goal, but for some reason I'm not motivated.  I seriously have got to stop whining about it though, or waiting for something horrible and major to happen to make me start working on this goal.  I should continue this one for next year, but start now.  Score: 0
  2. To organize my schedule, my desk, my home, and finish the scanning/organizing of photos.  That means getting rid of stuff and boxing up and storing other stuff. -Well, this one I got off to a great start with, but lately, well, it has been lacking in this department.  I think my schedule is fairly organized.  My home is somewhat organized.  The desk and the scanning of photos still need work, but the photo scanning is a huge project.  I do think I have done some of that.  Score: 6
  3. To work on my patience and try to not be so uptight.  To channel my inner Sharons, two people who I think handle life calmly - Hmmm...well, I suppose this one is one that I've done better at.  Yes, I do believe I have. Score: 7
  4. To get into couponing to save money - No matter how many coupons I cut out I very rarely use them either forgetting them or never having them with me.  Sigh.  Score:  2
  5. To contribute more articles to Yahoo and Google and try to earn some cash - Nope.  Haven't written daily.  Haven't finished my online classes.  Have sucked at this one.  I might have to continue this one too as I really wanted to do this one. Score: 0
Total:  15 out of 50 points - Well, I refuse to get down on this score.  I have a month and a half to kick it into gear.  Go, girl, go!

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