Friday, November 15, 2013

Out of the mouths of my babes

Darcy: "I want to make something I saw to take to school tomorrow. Can we go to the grocery?"

Me: "I am going after I drop you off at practice. What do you need?"

Darcy: "Chocolate chip cookie dough, frosting, marshmallows, and peanuts. But I only need a few peanuts"

Me: "I have to buy a whole container of peanuts? We won't eat those."

Darcy: "Just buy the Paul Newman kind."

Me: "Huh? Paul Newman kind?"

Darcy: "Yes, the one that has him as a peanut with a top hat, big eyes, and the dancing legs."

Me: (after I stopped laughing): "I think that is Bing Crosby, but I'll just get Planters peanuts."

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