I haven't blogged much this week because it was the crazy week here at our house. Every day was jam packed, which isn't unusual here, but it was with different things thrown in. I've highlighted those.
Monday - Girls off to school. Tom off to work. Cara to Connie's for a day of errand running. Darcy on bus home. Maddy missed bus home. Found ride home with a friend. Connie's computer system beeping. Cara crawling around under the desk trying to solve the beeping issue. Cut the power to the phone line. Spent more time trying to solve that issue. On phone with husband the computer guru for help. Problem solved. Forgot that Darcy had swim practice. Cara home three hours late. Run to grocery for dinner supplies. Make dinner. Cara impromptu board meeting for school organization that she scheduled because she can't be there at regularly scheduled meeting due to other activities. Meeting lasted three hours instead of one. Organization closed down Panera. Came home. Went to bed.
Tuesday - Girls off to school. Tom off to work. Sleepy from day before so go back to bed. Woke groggy and with no energy. Can not go back to bed in mornings. Laundry day. Ironing day. Texts from girls rearranging normal plans as I'm driving to pick them up at school for regularly scheduled program. I forge on to the school to get one girl. Other girl texts never mind as I'm leaving. Turn back to get her. Take Madison to her volunteer job. Darcy and I go to grocery store to finish grocery shopping that didn't get done the day before. Darcy needs supplies for extra credit food project. Go home, unload groceries. Darcy changes into bathing suit. Take Darcy to swim team practice. Leave there and pick up Maddy from her volunteer job. Take Maddy home. Fix dinner. Pick up Darcy from practice. Home. Darcy bakes her food project (vampire teeth cookies) which takes most of the night and is very messy. Walk the bridge with our club. Bed.
Wednesday - Girls off to school. Cara off to jury duty. Tom leading Cara to jury duty because he thinks she needs help? or because it is right next to his work? Cara plays the game. Signs in for jury duty. Fills out information card where she has to admit her spouse works in law enforcement. Goes to bathroom and looses her seat. Sits in new seat and has a seatmate that reeks of alcohol and who announces he is "deathly sick". Guy coughs and coughs. Also wants to talk. First round of people called for duty. I don't get chosen, but my seatmate does. I thank the jury gods. First round of people called to go home. I don't get chosen. Sit. Sit. Sit. Next round of people chosen for duty. I am called. Follow bailiff up three flights of court house and down a huge, long, long, hallway. Sit. Sit. Sit. Go inside court room. Spend an hour and half answering various, odd questions with the rest of our panel. Go back outside court room. Sit. Sit. Sit. Back in court room. Six people of our 21 get selected for jury duty on this trial. I am not one of them. I am dismissed. Text husband who walks over and takes me to lunch. Leave and go to Target for some supplies and Christmas shopping. Daughter texts that she is staying at school for tutoring help. Other daughter at school for club. Pick up both girls and neighbor at school. Take youngest daughter to swim practice. Drop off neighbor. Home. Change clothes, play with dog, hop back in car to pick up younger daughter who texted that swimming ended early. Pick up daughter and friend who announce that they have to bring drinks to party tonight. Back to grocery store to do so and to pick up items for older daughter's science project and for some food extra credit project. Takes forever. End up spending way too much money as we buy things not on the list. Back home. Unload. Take youngest daughter and friend to party. Return home to find older daughter baking and making a mess. Eat dinner. Pick up daughter from party. Return home. Go to bed and don't care where everyone else or what they are doing.
Thursday - Girls off to school. Tom off to work. Cara begins readying house for Halloween party. Cleans house. Vacuums. Starts food prep work. Makes soup in crockpot. Cleans the outside driveway and porch. Laundry. More ironing. Sets up tables outside. Moves cars around so driveway is clear. Youngest arrives home on bus. Hop into car to get her Halloween costume. Arrive back at home an hour later. Youngest is picked up to attend her old school's championship football game. Finish last minute prep work for party. Feel good that all is right on time. Relax. Get text from eldest daughter on someone else's phone that her academic meet 45 minutes away is over and she is heading home with friend. Please pick her up at friend's house. Head out to do so. Wait and wait at friend's house. Pick up daughter. Head home in traffic. Panicking that there is so much to do and will not be home in time when guests arrive. Get home. Shower. Dress in costume while running around pulling out food and drink items. First guest arrives. Neighbors begin arriving. Mix punches with friend's help. When my back is turned friend adds more rum. Husband arrives home. Youngest daughter announces she needs ride to friend's house for trick or treating. Husband takes her. Everyone arrives for outdoor party. Everything ready. Relax and drink too much punch. Party ends. Clean up party crap with friend's help. Have headache from too much rum. Husband picks up youngest daughter. Eat some candy. Shower. Go to bed.
Friday - Girls off to school. Tom off to work. Cara to Connie's for doctor appointment, hair cut, and grocery errands. Headache from too much rum. Girls text that they missed the bus. Found a ride, but going to eat lunch out first. Head home. Arrive home same time as girls. Youngest daughter announces swim practice has been canceled. She goes to bed for nap. Oldest daughter goes to sleep in my bed while talking to me. Take care of rambunctious dog. Make salad. Play with dog again. Walk him. Order pizza. Leave and pick up pizza. Return for Friday night food and TV. Go to bed.
Saturday - Raining. Pouring down. Get up and pack for the swim district meet an hour and a half away. Pack bag with poncho, another set of clothes, etc. Pack cooler. Wake eldest daughter who has a soccer game. Coach texts they will play in rain. Husband at vet with dog. Everyone returns. Husband and older daughter leave for soccer. Youngest and I head out to drive to district meet. Everyone gone by 9:30 am. Rains the entire drive. Takes one hour and 45 minutes to arrive. Still raining. Get text that soccer game cancelled. Spend six and a half hours at swim meet. Go to dinner. Drive home. Takes one hour and 17 minutes to get home. Arrive home at 7:30 pm. Shower. Husband gone. Read. Call husband to find out he is at Connie's fixing the computer beeping issue permanently. Change clocks. Husband home. In bed by midnight, which by my clock is only 11:00 now.
Sunday - Plan is for youngest to have classmate over for school project. Eldest daughter going to classmates house for school project. MIL coming for dinner. Steelers buddy and wife coming for dinner. Youngest daughter and MIL off to play practice. Need to get eldest home. Will be happy when week ends.
GEEZ...I'm exhausted just reading this. Hope you have a calmer week!